Monday, July 9, 2007

almost there. . .

So it just hit me today that it's time. The time is here. Everything we've been preparing for will most likely take place either this week or next. So weird! Up until this morning I kept thinking, "we've got a couple of more weeks". Well now I realize that maybe it's just a couple of days! Thankfully, Zeb and I have found ourselves to be incredibly patient. I think that's part of the reason I hadn't realized how close we were to our due date. Also, I feel as though we have two due dates; and I just feel the birth will be closer to the second. The due date given to us first was July 11- which could be right. Then, our ultrasound predicted July 16. So I guess it's somewhere in between. It'll be when Harper's ready.

Even though I was being quite patient, I found myself to be a little anxious today. We went to the doctor and met with the midwife for our second time (it's been the doctor on other visits). Last Monday, I was so excited and encouraged through our meeting with her. She told us that she would most likely be able to deliver. I felt so relieved. A midwife will do everything to assist in an unmedicated birth- given the baby is not in distress. This morning I decided not to get checked and just wait to see what happens. Unfortunately, our next week's appointment was scheduled with the doctor. My impression is that he's not against natural birth, but he has seen a lot of women choose their back up plan. It just wasn't encouraging to hear. My point in all of this is to say: I found myself hoping and praying I have the baby soon because I'm not looking forward to meeting with the doctor next Tuesday. To be honest, I'm scared he'll make be induced. Although, I know no one can force me into it- it' just a bit unnerving for me.
Zeb claims the baby will come this weekend. Fatherly instincts? I guess we'll have to wait and see.

I must say a few things are starting to get on my nerves. I am tired of constantly going to the bathroom. But I also just really want to go on a vacation! Everyone talks about going to the beach or just doing something fun. I'm so jealous! I think I just need to get out of Sulphur! So the whole not being able to travel is getting a bit old.

I'm sorry I don't have any pics tonight. I'm posting from Zeb's computer. Our computers are two feet apart but mine won't pick up the wireless signal that we are currently mooching from. And we had cable which hadn't been shut off from the previous tenants. But they shut it down today! Maybe I've been so patient because I've been distracted with HGTV.

Well, I guess I should say keep checking back on a daily basis or so over the next weeks- you never know when a pic of Harper will appear!!
love you guys! erica

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey there! glad to hear you are doing well...i keep waiting to see your name in the computer at work...hopefully zeb is right about u won't have to be induced!

love you, Julia