Monday, October 15, 2007

3 months this Friday!

Hello to all! Hope you guys are great! Everything is great here in Louisiana!! The weather has been beautiful this past week. Unfortunately, I think it might rain in the upcoming days.

In Harper's world, life is fantastic!! He'll have these little coo conversations with us. And he's started to somewhat mimick the coos we make. so much fun! He's getting stronger everyday. He is insane on his tummy with his mini-pushup. He'll start getting his legs going too. He'll scoot himself all over the blanket- except his face is just planted! He gets a little carpet burn from it! He can't get his arms going yet. He also now pushes up on his legs. We'll sit him and hold his arms up to help pull him up but he gets up on his own into a standing position.

Here's the best part - some pics!

My mom couldn't resist this costume.

He's trying to suck his hooves.

Can you see his tail?

He has officially found his thumb!

His first trip to the pumpkin patch.

well i could just post pictures all day! there are too many cute ones!