Monday, January 28, 2008

after all this time!

I know it's been a really long time since I posted. so now i have a lot of news. harper was sick over new years eve with RSV. so we spent the night in the hospital. thankfully, his case was not the worst. he never had to be on oxygen, just had breathing treatments.

now he's 6 months old! he cut a tooth a week ago. i'm so glad the tooth finally poked through. poor little guy, he was miserable. he's finally back to his happy self after being sick and getting the tooth. he scoots all over the place and he's pretty fast. more and more, he rocks on his hands and knees. it's just a matter of time until he figures it out.

and he's starting solids. i've only tired carrots so far. he doesn't like them! he makes the funniest face; but he keeps eating them! He does love sips of water from a cup or his sippy cup.

He's also starting to recognize his name. Sometimes it does take a couple times of us saying it for him to turn his head. But he's catching on. a downside to all his milestones is the separation anxiety.

so here's the best part: pictures!


cooing in the hospital

a breathing treatment

hanging out

sitting up

mmm, carrots

my first tooth- can you see it?

playing in his exersaucer- he tried to pull his hat off