Saturday, September 29, 2007

2.5 months

Time flies when you have a baby! Days seem like hours. Zeb and I are still enjoying every minute of being parents. I have to admit sometimes I get tired or a little stressed but then I remember he won't be this little forever and i should just enjoy it. I'm always so amazed at watching how he develops. He was this baby who slept all the time and has turned into a cooing, smiling person who recognizes me and zeb.

It's also so funny when he discovers a new sound. He has this new one, I can't describe it, but he makes it all the time now. I'll hear him in his crib while watching his mobile just making his little noises. Another exciting milestone, he has started to bat at his toys. A couple of them make noise and hang on his car seat. I love to be driving and hear them jingling. And he is constantly sucking on his little fists; I just see as him discovering his hands. No thumb yet. A couple of times he got his thumb in his mouth though and just made this face like it tasted bad! He tries and tries to stick his whole hand in his mouth.

Two weeks ago were his two month shots. It didn't go as bad as we thought. Actually it went quite well. Zeb had to comfort Harper and me since we both cried while he got the shots. Thankfully, we had a good nurse who was really fast at giving them. He stopped crying as soon as zeb picked him up. He was really quiet on the car ride home. I thought he was asleep but zeb said harper was staring him down! I guess he was little upset with us! However, you could never tell later in the day that he had the shots that morning. Even though all went well, I know we have to do it again in two months! I'm still not that relieved.

One of the most commonly asked questions is "is he sleeping through the night?" We're on our way there. He now sleeps from 10 to 3, then 3 to 5 (or 6), and then he's back out until 8 or 9. So he's not doing bad. Yesterday, he and I both slept in until 11:30!! We were tired. Well maybe not entirely, he woke at 6 and 9 to feed. Not bad though. Last night he slept from 10 to 4 and then 4 to 8. So he's getting better.

So here's some pics:
i love that toothless smile! He's 8 weeks in these.