Monday, June 11, 2007

at last!

We found an apartment today! And we met both of the goals we set when we started looking. We wanted a bigger place with cheaper rent. We will be moving to a 3 bedroom and paying $60 less. The only downside is that we're moving from a house to a duplex. You can't get everything you want! Atleast Zeb won't have to mow the grass anymore! (or atleast for the next 6 months) We plan on starting the move this weekend. We'll start with everything we aren't using and then hopefully be completely moved within the next 2 weeks.

Other news. . . For the past 3 weeks we have been attending Prepared Childbirth classes at the hospital. Every tuesday night we load up our two pillows and head to class. It's fun because there is only 2 other couples taking the class and they're our age. The guys all have the same sentiments about birth it seems. They cringe at most of the posters and especially at the video we watched last week. I guess it's good for them to be prepared!

I know those of you we see on a regular basis know we have officially decided on the name. For those who didn't know, we will name our son Harper. Now we just need to pick his middle name. The top two names are Michael and James. Any suggestions??

Speaking of Harper. . . he's growing! Zeb sometimes jokes that he goes to work and finds that I've gotten bigger when he comes home for lunch. He likes to joke about the way I walk as well. I thought I was avoiding the waddle; but I think sometimes I give in.
People say Louisiana heat is unbearable at times- but try being pregnant in it! I'm really starting to see the symptoms of the last months. I find myself easily irritable at times, especially if I'm tired. And any sleep I do get at night is growing more and more shallow. I can barely roll over!
But more news about Harper. He's head down! (one of my fears relieved) I can now easily tell which body part is bulging out because he has grown. His back is a flat hard surface and his feet are pointy. Luckily, he's not kicking my ribs; he's all in my belly and on my sides. I can tell where his head is because he gets the hiccups, a reassuring sign that his nervous system has developed. It's really neat to feel his progress.

Here are some pics from the baby shower my mom had for me last Saturday:

this was some of the decorations.
and this is me crying because i loved the decorations. do you notice i'm not wearing my wedding ring?? my fingers are too big!!
we were given some much needed gifts at the shower. i'm getting anxious to put them all to use!
i'll get a better shot of the belly this week. hopefully all of you are doing well!!
love, erica