Monday, June 25, 2007

we're moved!

So we're finally all settled. It took about 4 days to get everything into the apartment and then on the 5th day our electricity was turned on. So the first four days were miserable. Atleast now it's over! I got a little stressed for a couple of days. I was exhausted and just kept thinking "i'm about to have a baby and my house is a mess". It was really frustrating for me because so many boxes were lying around and I couldn't pick up one of them. I just keep thinking that I'll have to wait until after I have the baby to completely organized everything.
Even though moving was stressful, I'm really glad we did. Now Harper has his own room that I've been decorating. It's been fun. We did a little bit of painting and have started to set everything up. It's really cute. I was excited because we finally unpacked the stroller and Zeb installed the car seat. I'm also in the process of packing the hospital bag. We're doing everything we can to be prepared. I'm also doing everything I can to have an unmedicated birth. I've started walking two miles a day. My doctor advised it, especially because I don't want to be induced (which doubles the chance of a c-section). Tomorrow night is our last prepared birth class; it's kind of sad. It's been fun to discuss labor and practice contractions. We've learned a lot. It's also kind of sad because another week has passed and we are closer to labor. Labor has now become this looming thing over my heard. It's a weird feeling. I have this inevitable experience of pain that I keep getting closer to. However, the end result is the best thing you could ever want, or so I hear! Will I be saying that when he's a teenager?!

Here's some pics of Harper's room ( a working process):
Grandpa hard a work.
Nana and Aunt April
Me, Zeb, and the stroller. We joke that it's the ferrari of strollers because the brand is italian; and the shocks are impressive.
More to come!! It's feels like the end but really things are just starting!
love, erica

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Zeb and Erica
The room looks great! You might have a different opinion when they are teens, but the good news its 13 years away!

Did you decide on a middle name yet? Harper James has a nice sound.