Thursday, January 22, 2009


So I keep trying to upload a video but it's not working. I thought it would be funnier for you to hear what Harper got for Christmas over just seeing a picture; unfortunately a picture will have to do.

So here's Harper and his drumset! It is so cute. He just bangs away. We have moved them to his room so the noise is somewhat contained. He's too short for the stool so he just stands at them. And he's figured out the foot pedal so he steps on it every now and then. But he can't do it all at once. He'll get there one day!

Like all kids, he was enamored with the tree. Here he's just scheming about what he could do. "Grab the lights, pull the ribbon, or shake the branches."

He did good though about not messing it up too much. 'Tis the reason I kept the decorations simple!

He did love however Grammie's (Zeb's mom) tree. He would throw a cat toy in the tree and then just laugh as the cat ran up to get it. Mrs. Deborah decided to forego decorations for the most part this year!

This was a present from Nana and Pops. A battery powered four wheeler. I could not stop laughing everytime he got on it. He couldn't figure out that the trick was to hold the button down for continuous movement. He kept jerking himself back every time he pushed it. He made it down the drive way one push at a time.

Here he is putting to use his gift from Grammie and Grandpa. They got him a set of garden tools- just his size. He loves to rake leaves. The set included a hoe, a shovel, a leaf rake (as seen here), and a rake for dirt (could that also be called trowel?). I think the goal is to start a small garden at their house this summer, which he'll love. Any excuse to play in the dirt and be outside!

They also got him a tool set. It is for play but it looks so professional. He spent 30 minutes wandering around the electric screw driver. He was so busy working on the fireplace. A screw here and another there. Mike cut him some boards which he now has to work on.

This was new year's eve. Zeb and I planned to watch a movie and bake some cookies after Harper went to sleep. In the middle of the movie and just as the first bite was about to be taken he woke up! Sure enough he spotted the cookies. So we all had a new years cookie. Not to worry though, he did not eat it at midnight. It was about 10:30 or 11 and he did go to bed shortly after a clean up and teeth brushing.

Saturday January 3rd, zeb and i headed out for a ski trip in Winter Park, CO. We went with a group of people from church. It was a 20 hour van drive. Somehow the trip home ended up being 24 hours. It wasn't as bad as it sounds. We had such a great time. It was our first time to leave Harper. It wasn't as hard as i thought. i cried a little bit the night before and the next day i was fine. We are now hoping we could go back every year!

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