Saturday, August 2, 2008

the big ONE

so harper turned one July 19th. it was your normal burgers, cake, ice cream, and gifts. harper had his own personal chocolate cake. i really expected him to just dig into it; to my surprise, he was very cautious. he would just rake his one little finger through it and then lick it.
he's still not walking. but he is standing up on his own. he'll stand up and throw a ball or just hold a toy. he has good balance. he'll walk when he's ready.
so now i'll skip to the fun part. . . . pictures!!
so i didn't order a cake in time and had to buy one at sams. i thought it would be better personalized. i do not have a future in cake decorating.

yeah for balloons!

blowing out his candle, after the fact.

telling everyone that he is one.

end of the festivities. harper's one!

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