Wednesday, April 11, 2007

a time of firsts. . .

so i've been debating for a long time about starting a blog in general, just one of my thoughts and ideas. i decided that now is the best time since so much is happening in my life and that of our baby, which is most likely of more interest to you! i really decided to put it into action when my mom brought up the idea to keep everyone in the know, especially those of you that live far away. so here's my first post with the most recent news about my soon to be firstborn, a son:

i just started my third trimester! a milestone which is unbelievable to me. i call it a milestone because back in december this day seemed forever away! the sobering thought of a baby simultaneously haunts and excites my mind daily. zeb and me with a baby!! maybe that's the more sobering thought! kidding.

i think i find this time to be the most enjoyable part of the pregnancy. here's why:

1. i am no longer nauseated (well i still carry snacks to fight small bouts of it and hunger)

2. i am at my normal energy level ( but i think it's starting to wane a little- i'm napping again)

3. i'm not too big that it's uncomfortable

4. since i only fit in a few clothes, it's my excuse to wear the same thing all the time and not care (i'm still managing in my same clothes! thank you bella band!)

5. my cravings are good excuses to indulge in a piece of cake, or a brownie, or pretty much whatever's available that i know i shouldn't eat!

6. and the best- feeling the baby moving!

I can feel that he's getting stronger. and he's not too big that he's limited- he's just rolling all over some days. also, you can see my belly rumble at times if he's adjusting. or you can see it quickly bulge out if he's kicking. zeb and i were laughing the other day at all his movements. we said "he's just going crazy in there!"

these were taken about 2 weeks ago when i was in my 25th week.

well we love you guys! check back weekly for updates!

love, erica m.
p.s. - be praying for zeb. he's in mexico on a mission trip and i just received news that he is really sick.


Anonymous said...

Finally some updates!

Anonymous said...

what a good idea, and i love nothing more than belly pictures!

Kate said...

Look at that fake belly! I kid. I love you and I appreciate the updates.